en-Ce que les media en disent

The Cat's Equation

“This detective novel is investigating the matter through the fascinating properties of the infinitely small. With simple metaphors, Christine Adamo explains the history of quantum physics (…), its paradoxes and its mysteries. And her explanations are so clear that I had the feeling to master a...

Requiem for a fish

"An adventure “in the manner of Jules Verne”, full of darkness, murder and mystery ... suspense, surprises, unexpected terrors ..."  Le Canard enchaîné   "A vigorous and exciting thriller ...The ichthyology rather than the Da Vinci Code. Who says better? "  Telerama "Writing a...

Southern dark

"An intriguing plot that explores with passion and intelligence the evolution of our species ... a new marriage between pure entertainment and fundamental scientific questions. Another Darwin's dream." Elle "One of the most original plot ... a scenario that is both ambitious and exciting."...

Web mortem

"Between real and virtual, Web mortem is a successful and original thriller. It leads the reader through a scary story in which the game master mingles strange crime scenes to forgotten languages and forgotten stories. You will see the Web differently... " Paris-Match (selection for the...

Fallait pas m'embêter (suite de) Le jour où je serai orphelin (Librinova), L'équation du chat (Ed. Liana Levi, Le Cercle Points), Web mortem (Ed. Albin Michel), Noir Austral (Ed. Liana Levi, Folio policier, De Geus (NL), Touring club (It)), Requiem pour un poisson (Ed. Liana Levi, Folio policier, De Geus (NL), Effemme (It), Alpha books (China))