Southern dark

"An intriguing plot that explores with passion and intelligence the evolution of our species ... a new marriage between pure entertainment and fundamental scientific questions. Another Darwin's dream."


"One of the most original plot ... a scenario that is both ambitious and exciting."

France Soir

"A book which transforms the paleontology into a dark novel, combining brilliantly a police investigation and the mystery of the humanity’s evolution. As exciting than instructive ... "

Le monde des livres


"What a wonderful subject for a thriller! Through back and forth between past and present, the author traces the evolution of the human species, while leading us to think about ecology and racism."


"An amazing thriller, very different from the ordinary production ... Southern dark combines an effective plot to an exciting historical and scientific context. "


"Christine Adamo uses the recipe that made the success of her first book. A pinch of scientific research, a dash of suspense, a good dose of mystery ... "


"Nothing like this original crime-novel to discover Australia ... a true travel through time and space. "


And also La Provence, Le Dauphine, La Tribune, etc..

Fallait pas m'embêter (suite de) Le jour où je serai orphelin (Librinova), L'équation du chat (Ed. Liana Levi, Le Cercle Points), Web mortem (Ed. Albin Michel), Noir Austral (Ed. Liana Levi, Folio policier, De Geus (NL), Touring club (It)), Requiem pour un poisson (Ed. Liana Levi, Folio policier, De Geus (NL), Effemme (It), Alpha books (China))